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StoSignature Fine 20 col.16182

StoSignature Fine 20 col.16182
Bespoke technique and finish combinations for exterior or interior use.
Product Combination
Stolit K1,5 with an additional layer of Stolit Milano as a scratch coat lightly sanded. Colour tone illustrated 16182 from the StoColor range.
Depending on product chosen, may be through -tinted in the 800 standard StoColor range of colour tones. Ask for standard definitions of grey concrete.
Many standard samples available in Central London on request. A4 or A3 sample made to order.
Contact us
Cement-free, dispersion based renders with EPD certification
Additional information
Specialist technique, trained applicators required. Contact for details.

Finish Example : Bespoke texture StoSignature fine 20. Project Via Aslago

Colour tone : StoColor N008500

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